Raritan Valley Psychiatric Care Dr. Ella Friedman, Board Certified Psychiatrist, is pleased to welcome you in her office in Bound Brook, NJ
COVID-19 Alert: Bound Brook office is closed until further notice. Please call the office (732) 469-7899 to schedule TeleMedicine appointment with Dr. Ella Friedman. Please click here for TeleHealth information.

Our Address:
101 E. Union Avenue
1-st Floor
Phone: (732) 469-7899
Bound Brook, NJ 08805
Fax: (732) 563-9922
Map & Directions
Please call (732) 469-7899 for an appointment.
Please fill out a Patient Information Form prior to your first appointment and every time your insurance or personal information changes. Please download the following form (MS Word format)
Insurance, Office Policies |